This is a mixed media piece. It is an illustration of an article that I found in 'Time Magazine' about Marines in Iraq. The Blue Platoon were being attacked by Rocket Propelled Grenades and watched their comrades die. Even though they had a chance to pull out of Iraq, they wanted to stay to fight in honor of their friends.

i love this one. have to sit and stare at it, in order to take it all in and to notice all of the details. very nice. :)
is the firearm intentionally phallic?
Nice job on the soldier, very well drawn, and I like how you used mixed media in this piece. But i had a question, whats going on in the back ground of the figure, whats the big orange mountain like object? Over all it is a good illustration.
i didn't mean for it to be phallic, it just happen to be be like that in my reference. In the background I lacquer transfered diagrams of how rocket propelled grenades worked. the big orange "mountain" is supposed to be a huge wall that he's leaning up against.
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